liberal feminism


liberal feminism

  • It is like a example. Many feminist theories react to it.

Main thrust: the subordination of women is rooted in specific social environment. It needs to be reformed.

radical feminism

The environment which oppress women must be ripped out focusing on sex, gender and reproduction.

  • Radical-libetarian feminism think androgyny is the cure.
  • radical-cultural feminism think what matters is the low value the patriarchy assigns to feminine quality. But some one object that feminine quality itself is something constructed by men.

    Marxist feminism and socialism feminism

    None can achieve real freedom in a class-based society especially women.

  • socialism feminism emphases the oppression of patriarchy
  • and also their interaction

All of above are macrocosm theories. Now we change to some microcosm theories

psychoanalytic and care-focused feminism

  • Freud paid attention to Oedipus complex. Girls' id which submitting to ego is incomplete compared to boys. As a result, she becomes ruled instead of ruling, becomes periphery of culture. Feminists in such a background think Freud's opinion is not essential. Traditional opinions assigning to female quality was consequences of actual experience.
    • A new generation of psychoanalytic feminists turned to theorists such as Jacques Lacan for more insights into the psychosexual dramas that produces "man" and "woman".But it rises a new question "why women 'choose' to be oppressed"
  • Care-focused feminists do not emphasize psychosexual development. Instead they stress boys' and girls' psychomoral development.

very short introduction to poetry


what the poetry is

imitative or transcedent

  • is there a distinctive language of poetry

    what the poetry for

  • public utility and responsibility

    which links to political power. You can pick up examples like writers from women and marginal political class and ethnicity.

    But it can be also seen as a subsection of poetry's general requirment of a sense of responsibility and moral worth. Also not to tell the truth is ok with the concerning to the moral standing. You may find the moral concern seems the primary motivation what poetry for. It is a little suspectable cuz poetry do nothing vital to it, rather to raise an awareness of the higher ideal.

  • poetry has its own way
    It is easy to see poetry is an important part of different cultures.

    • you may find it is Greek foundation to be the central part of west poetry tradition

    Translatability, which is both cross-cultural and cross-literature-poetry.To the latter, it means something mysterious called "poetic" inside every form of writing.

the divsion of poetry and poetics